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   “Mr Li at that time brought in a feng shui master," Pelli continues. "He was concerned to protect Mr Li's building from the undesirable forces emanating from the sharp corners of the Bank of China." The glass also had to be of at least equal reflectance to that of the Bank of China. "We followed the advice given by the feng shui master and developed a very beautiful wall. ”

   “在这个时候,李先生将他的风水师带进来,风水师为了保护李先生的大厦,避免给中银大厦的尖角所影响,要求大厦的玻璃反射性必须比中银大厦更强。我们依从风水师的建议,设计出一副漂亮的外墙。”设计师Cesar Pelli语。

“The height of our building was determined by the planners drawing a line between the Bank of china and Hong Kong Bank buildings. We considered two or three forms. The square plan form was said by the feng shui master to work best by the one which the feng shui master said would work best.”

  “大厦的高度是由规划师在中银大厦和汇丰银行大厦之间画了一条线而确定的。我们考虑过两三种结构。而风水师认为正方形平面的造型最为合适。”设计师Cesar Pelli语。

    Leo Daly说:“李嘉诚先生很关注风水问题。”Leo Daly在香港的总经理Michael Fowler补充说:“他自己专门有一个风水先生。是否觉得三栋大厦都是很相似?没有错,三栋大厦皆有风水布局,所用手法皆同出一辙,都是同一位风水师的布局!运用了风水,不代表可以什麽都不干,等待中六hecai而一朝暴发。而是布置了风水局之后,机会增多,想起做生意便想起李先生,自从布置了风水局之后,李先生四十年来都没有好好地休息过,而是每天日理万机,巨细无遗地处理每个商业决策,四十年的风水扶助,加上李先生的勤奋、努力,才能造就华人首富之位,可知成功绝非侥幸!”